Help us test the National Immunisation Catch-up Calculator
We're scaling up the National Immunisation Catch-up Calculator (NICC) to support all people under 20 years of age. We need your help to test the new changes.
What's coming up
We've been working on the next iteration of the National Immunisation Catch-up Calculator (NICC). This new version will support catch-ups for all people under 20 years of age, including those who may have one or more medical at-risk conditions, and who may have been vaccinated overseas.
We need your help to further improve the completeness, efficiency and accuracy of the NICC.
How you can help
Review the business rules
We are looking for volunteers from different parts of Australia who can help us review the business rules for currency, completeness and accuracy.
The business rules will be ready for review in March 2024. The business rules document is roughly 50 pages long.
If you are interested in participating, please contact us.
Test drive the new version
We are looking for volunteers from different parts of Australia to test drive the new version, using (anonymised) real life scenarios, and provide feedback which can be used to further improve the efficiency and accuracy of the NICC.
The new version will be ready for review in March 2024. We'll provide a detailed list of inclusions (are ready to be tested), and instructions on how to conduct the testing, and provide feedback or report bugs.
If you are interested in participating, please contact us.
What else is in the works
Once we have completed the under 20s release, we will move our focus to planning the expansion of the NICC to support other at-risk conditions such as pregnancy, occupational risks etc. and people of all ages.
We are looking for volunteers to help at various stages of the design and development process. Involvement includes, but is not limited to:
- periodically reviewing the NICC business rules for currency, completeness and accuracy,
- participating in pre-release and/or user acceptance testing of the NICC, and
- participating in research activities (online surveys, interviews, workshops etc.).
If you are interested in participating in any of the above activities, please contact us.
Provide feedback and report issues
As always, if you see something, say something. Use the provide feedback form to inform us about any defects you come across, and feature requests.