Preparing an anaphylaxis response kit

Before each vaccination session, check that you have the protocols, equipment and medicines to manage anaphylaxis.
Your anaphylaxis kit should contain
- adrenaline 1:1000 (at least 3 ampoules — check expiry dates);
- at least 3 x 1 mL syringes, drawing-up needles and 25 mm needles (for intramuscular injection);
- cotton wool swabs;
- pen and paper to record the time the adrenaline was administered;
- laminated copy of ‘Doses of intramuscular 1:1000 adrenaline for anaphylaxis’; and
- a laminated copy of ‘Recognition and treatment of anaphylaxis’.
Keep an anaphylaxis response kit on hand at all times. Check the contents regularly to ensure they are up to date and not expired.
See the Australian Immunisation Handbook for more details.
Preparing an anaphylaxis kit [ PDF ]
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added words ", drawing-up needles " to the third dot point in the 'Your anaphalaxis kit should contain" paragraph.
added words ", drawing-up needles " to the third dot point in the 'Your anaphalaxis kit should contain" paragraph.