People aged ≥50 years who are immunocompetent are recommended to receive a zoster vaccine
All people aged ≥50 years who are immunocompetent are recommended to receive zoster vaccine.
People who are immunocompetent are recommended to receive a 2-dose schedule of Shingrix, 2–6 months apart, for the prevention of herpes zoster and associated complications.
The optimal timing of receiving zoster vaccine depends on individual circumstances, including:
- Age-related risk of herpes zoster and its complications: Herpes zoster can occur at any age after primary infection with VZV, but the risk increases with age. The risk of herpes zoster in the general population increases from an estimated annual rate of 6 per 1000 in people aged 50–59 years to 15 per 1000 in people aged 70–79 years.1 The likelihood and severity of complications such as post-herpetic neuralgia also increases with age.
- Duration of protection: A person vaccinated at a younger age such as 50 years may have reduced protection from vaccination as they age, when the risk of zoster is higher. However, current evidence shows Shingrix continues to have high efficacy for at least 10 years after vaccination in people without immunocompromise.2,3 There is no recommendation for a booster dose of zoster vaccine. Advice on the need for booster doses will be considered if data becomes available that shows significant waning of protection, and benefit from receiving a booster dose.
- Individual’s personal preferences: People’s desire to protect themselves from herpes zoster and related complications may vary, and this will influence decision-making on when they should receive zoster vaccination.
- Household contacts of people who are immunocompromised: people aged ≥50 years who are household contacts of a person who is immunocompromised or shortly expected to become immunocompromised may factor this into their decision making. Vaccination will provide some indirect protection to the immunocompromised household member from exposure to varicella-zoster virus if the household member is at risk of primary varicella infection.
- NIP-funding for vaccination: Shingrix is funded through the NIP for non-Indigenous people aged ≥65 years and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged ≥50 years of age. For details see the National Immunisation Program Schedule.
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