You are here Home Resources Handbook tables Handbook tables Table. Combination hepatitis A-hepatitis B vaccines Listen Print Share Vaccine Age of vaccine recipient (years) Dose (hepatitis B surface antigen protein) Number of doses Recommended schedule minimum intervals Twinrix (720/20) 1 to <16 20 μg 2 1st dose: day 0 (day of vaccination) 2nd dose: 6–12 months after 1st dose Do not use this schedule for people who need rapid protection against hepatitis B (such as people who have had close contact with a person with hepatitis B) Twinrix Junior (360/10) 1 to <16 10 μg 3 1st dose: day 0 (day of vaccination) 2nd dose: 1 month after 1st dose 3rd dose: 6 months after 1st dose Twinrix (720/20) ≥16 20 μg 3 1st dose: day 0 (day of vaccination) 2nd dose: 1 month after 1st dose 3rd dose: 6 months after 1st dose Related diseases Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Page history Last updated 27 September 2021 Last reviewed 27 September 2021 Is there anything wrong with this page? Help us improve the Australian Immunisation Handbook What you were doing? (required) What went wrong? (required) Leave this field blank