Q fever
Information about Q fever disease, vaccines and recommendations for vaccination from the Australian Immunisation Handbook.
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Vaccination against this disease is not funded under the National Immunisation Program, nor by states and territories.
Q fever is caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii. C. burnetii infects wild and domestic animals, and their ticks. Humans are mainly infected from cattle, sheep and goats.
Q fever vaccine is recommended for adolescents aged ≥15 years and adults who are at risk of infection with C. burnetii. These include:
- abattoir workers
- farmers
- stockyard workers
- shearers
- animal transporters (of high-risk animals such as cattle, camels, sheep, goats and kangaroos)
- veterinarians, veterinary nurses and veterinary students
- professional dog and cat breeders
- pet food manufacturing workers
- agricultural college staff and students
- wildlife and zoo workers who work with high-risk animals, including kangaroos and bandicoots
- animal refuge workers (including those working in animal shelters and boarding facilities)
- people who cull or process kangaroos or camels
- laboratory workers who handle veterinary specimens or work with C. burnetii
- other people exposed to high-risk animals
People should have both serological and skin tests before vaccination.
Q fever vaccine is given as a single dose. Booster doses are not recommended.
People should receive serum antibody testing and a skin test before vaccination (together known as pre-vaccination testing).
Pre-vaccination testing is not needed in people who have a documented history of previous infection with Q fever or have already received a Q fever vaccine. Q fever vaccine is contraindicated in these people.
Acute Q fever symptoms are influenza-like. However, some cases develop hepatitis and pneumonia. Complications of Q fever are endocarditis and post–Q fever fatigue syndrome.
Occupational groups
Q fever vaccine is recommended for people aged ≥15 years who are at risk of infection with C. burnetii and have not had previous Q fever infection or vaccination.
Pre-vaccination testing is needed before vaccination.
People at risk of Q fever include:
- abattoir workers
- farmers
- stockyard workers
- shearers
- animal transporters (of high-risk animals such as cattle, camels, sheep, goats and kangaroos)
- veterinarians, veterinary nurses and veterinary students
- professional dog and cat breeders
- pet food manufacturing workers
- agricultural college staff and students
- wildlife and zoo workers who work with high-risk animals, including kangaroos and bandicoots
- animal refuge workers (including those working in animal shelters and boarding facilities)
- people who cull or process kangaroos or camels
- laboratory workers who handle veterinary specimens or work with C. burnetii
- other people exposed to high-risk animals, particularly cattle, camels, sheep, goats and kangaroos (including their products of conception, such as placental tissue and birth fluids)
See also Recommended vaccines for people at increased risk of certain occupationally acquired vaccine-preventable diseases, in Vaccination for people at occupational risk.
Q fever vaccine is not recommended for children aged <15 years. No data are available on the safety or efficacy of Q fever vaccine in this age group.
Booster doses of Q fever vaccine are not recommended. This is because:
- vaccine immunity appears to last at least 5 years
- there is a risk of serious local adverse events in people with pre-existing immunity to C. burnetii
Pre-vaccination testing
People who are being considered for Q fever vaccination must have both serum antibody testing and a skin test before Q fever vaccination. The tests can be done on the same day. This is to identify people who have been previously infected with the Q fever organism and are not aware of it. These people are likely to have adverse reactions to the vaccine, based on hypersensitivity to the organism. People who have been previously infected with the Q fever organism should not be vaccinated.
It is also important to obtain a detailed history from all people who want a Q fever vaccine. People who have possibly been infected should provide (if available) either:
- documentation of previous Q fever vaccination, or
- laboratory test results confirming previous Q fever infection
In particular, people who have worked in the livestock or meat industries for a long time should be carefully questioned about their medical and vaccination histories. The Australian Q Fever Register has records of some people who have received Q fever vaccine. Registered users can access the register.
Pre-vaccination testing is not needed for people who have:
- a documented history of previous infection with Q fever
- already received a Q fever vaccine
The vaccine is contraindicated in these people.
Some people who have had confirmed Q fever infection in the past may show no response to serological or skin testing. However, they may still have serious reactions to Q fever vaccine. See Contraindications and precautions.
Conducting pre-vaccination testing
Only experienced people should conduct skin testing and interpretation. The Australian Q Fever Register has details of immunisation providers who are trained to administer Q fever skin testing.
To perform skin testing:
- dilute 0.5 mL of Q-Vax Skin Test in 14.5 mL of sodium chloride (injection grade)
- store freshly prepared diluted Q-Vax Skin Test at +2°C to +8°C, and use within 6 hours
- if the skin is not visibly clean, use methylated spirits to clean the area — do not use commercial isopropyl alcohol skin wipes
- inject a 0.1 mL dose of the diluted Q-Vax Skin Test intradermally into the volar surface of the forearm
Read the skin test after 7 days. Skin reactions are common 3–4 days after skin testing, but these generally resolve by day 7. A positive reaction is indicated by any induration at the injection site after 7 days.
Serological and skin test results should be taken into account according to Table. Interpreting serological and skin test results before Q fever vaccination.
Interpreting pre-vaccination test results
Use serology and skin test results to determine whether a person should be vaccinated.
See Table. Interpreting serological and skin test results before Q fever vaccination shows the results and interpretation for pre-vaccination tests.
Serology | Skin test | Interpretation and action |
Positive antibody test (according to diagnostic laboratory criteria):
Any skin test result | Sensitised: do not vaccinate |
Equivocal antibody test (according to diagnostic laboratory criteria):
Positive (induration) | Sensitised: do not vaccinate |
Borderline (induration just palpable) or negative (no induration) | Indeterminate (see Managing people with indeterminate test results) | |
Negative antibody test (according to diagnostic laboratory criteria):
Positive | Sensitised: do not vaccinate |
Borderline | Indeterminate (see Managing people with indeterminate test results) | |
Negative | Non-immune: vaccinate | |
Source: Modified from Marmion1 |
Managing people with indeterminate test results
Managing people with indeterminate test results
Test results are ‘indeterminate’ when:
- the skin test induration is just palpable and the antibody test is either equivocal or negative
- there is no skin induration and an equivocal antibody test
A small proportion of people may have an indeterminate result. This may be because of past infection with Coxiella burnetii. It may also indicate that the person has antibodies to antigens that C. burnetii shares with other bacteria.
Manage this finding by either repeating the tests or vaccinating over 2 occasions.
Repeating pre-vaccination tests
Repeating pre-vaccination tests
Repeat the skin and serological tests around 2–3 weeks after first testing. Interpret the tests as for initial testing in Table. Interpreting serological and skin test results before Q fever vaccination.
Serum is collected to look for a rise in the titre of C. burnetii antibodies. A rise in titre between paired sera may indicate recent Q fever infection, and the person should be managed accordingly.
Vaccinating with a divided dose over 2 occasions
Vaccinating with a divided dose over 2 occasions
Vaccinate with a subcutaneous injection of a 5 µg (0.1 mL) dose instead of 25 µg (0.5 mL).
Check for adverse events 48 hours after the injection, such as severe local induration, severe systemic effects or fever.
If there are no adverse events, give a further 0.4 mL (20 µg) dose of the vaccine within the next 2–3 weeks. This is before cell-mediated immunity develops to the 1st dose.
Vaccines, dosage and administration
Q fever vaccines available in Australia
The Therapeutic Goods Administration website provides product information for each vaccine.
See also Vaccine information and Variations from product information for more details.
Q fever vaccines
Registered for use in adults.
Each 0.5 mL monodose pre-filled syringe contains:
- 25 µg purified killed suspension of Coxiella burnetii
- 0.01% w/v thiomersal
- traces of formalin
May contain egg proteins.
For Product Information and Consumer Medicine Information about Q-Vax visit the Therapeutic Goods Administration website.
View vaccine detailsQ fever skin test
Registered for use in adults.
Each 0.5 mL liquid vial when diluted to 15 mL with sodium chloride contains:
- 16.7 ng of purified killed suspension of Coxiella burnetii in each diluted 0.1 mL dose
- thiomersal 0.01% w/v before dilution
- traces of formalin
May contain egg proteins.
View vaccine detailsDose and route
The dose of Q fever vaccine is 0.5 mL given by subcutaneous injection.
It is important to complete pre-vaccination testing before vaccinating. Both serological and skin tests must be negative before vaccination. See Pre-vaccination testing in Recommendations.
The manufacturer (Seqirus) and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine both provide online education on Q fever vaccination and skin testing.
Contraindications and precautions
Q fever vaccine is contraindicated in people who:
- have had anaphylaxis after a component of Q fever vaccine
- have had anaphylaxis to eggs
- have a history of laboratory-confirmed Q fever
- have other medical documentation that supports a previous diagnosis of Q fever
- have positive or equivocal antibody to Q fever by serological testing
- are sensitive to the organism by skin testing
- have been vaccinated against Q fever
- are immunocompromised (no information is available on the accuracy of skin testing or the efficacy and safety of Q fever vaccine in people who are immunocompromised)
All people who are being considered for vaccination with Q fever vaccine must have serum antibody testing and skin testing before vaccination. See Pre-vaccination testing in Recommendations.
Egg allergy
People with a known allergy to eggs who want receive Q fever vaccine should discuss this with an immunologist or allergist, or be referred to a specialised immunisation adverse events clinic.
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
Q fever vaccine is not routinely recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Q fever vaccine contains inactivated products. Inactivated bacterial vaccines are not harmful in pregnancy. However, the vaccine’s safety in pregnancy has not been established.
No information is available on breastfeeding women receiving Q fever vaccine.
See Table. Vaccines that are not routinely recommended in pregnancy: inactivated bacterial vaccines in Vaccination for women who are planning pregnancy, pregnant or breastfeeding for more details.
Adverse events
Common adverse events
Q fever vaccine is reported to be reactogenic among respondents; however, adverse events following immunisation are usually minor.2 Common adverse events are tenderness (48-95% of vaccine recipients) and erythema (33-58%) at the injection site. Induration or oedema at the injection site is uncommon and occurs in <1% of recipients.1-3
Other adverse events reported include:2
- any systemic features (59.5%)
- headache (43.9%)
- fever (17.2%)
- lethargy (42.7%)
- joint pain (24.6%)
Rare adverse events
People who have previously been exposed to Q fever may have a severe injection site reaction shortly after vaccination. In some cases, an abscess then develops, which requires excision and drainage. The person may also have short-term systemic symptoms that resemble post–Q fever fatigue syndrome in Clinical features.
Not all people with positive pre-vaccination tests develop severe reactions.
Pre-vaccination testing means that immune people are rarely vaccinated, and these reactions are very rare.
Early clinical trials reported serious adverse reactions.4 However, these involved the use of vaccines with varying composition, given repeatedly and without any pre-vaccination testing.4
Lesions at the injection site have also been reported in people who:
- are negative for the skin and antibody tests before vaccination
- do not have any immediate reaction
Some people develop an indurated lesion at the injection site about 1–8 months after vaccination.
When the indurated lesion develops, the original skin test site often becomes positive. This suggests a late-developing cellular immune response.
The lesions are not fluctuant and do not progress to an abscess. Most lesions gradually decrease in size and resolve over several months without treatment.5,6
Nature of the disease
Q fever is caused by Coxiella burnetii, an obligate intracellular bacterium.7 C. burnetii infects wild and domestic animals, and their ticks. Humans are mainly infected from cattle, sheep and goats.8-10 Other animals that may be infected are:8,10-12
- companion animals such as cats and dogs
- native Australian animals such as kangaroos
- introduced animals such as feral cats and camels
Acute Q fever usually has an incubation period of 2–3.5 weeks, depending on the inoculum size and other variables.13 The incubation period ranges from 4 days to 6 weeks.
Pasteurisation temperatures inactivate the organism.
Animals shed C. burnetii into the environment through their:
- placental tissue or birth fluids, which contain very high numbers of bacteria
- milk
- urine
- faeces
C. burnetii is highly infectious,14 and can survive in air, soil, water and dust.15,16
Humans can inhale infected aerosols or dust and become infected. The organism may spread on fomites such as:15,16
- wool
- hides
- clothing
- straw
- packing materials
C. burnetii has been weaponised and is a category B biothreat agent.17
Clinical features
Q fever can be an acute or a chronic disease. It can have long-term sequelae. However, infection is asymptomatic in at least half of cases.1,18
Acute Q fever
Clinical symptoms include rapid onset of:1,18,19
- high fever
- rigors
- profuse sweats
- extreme fatigue
- muscle and joint pain
- severe headache
- photophobia
As the disease progresses, people can develop hepatitis, sometimes with jaundice. Some people develop pneumonia. This is usually mild but may be severe, requiring mechanical ventilation.
If untreated, the acute illness usually lasts 1–3 weeks. In severe cases, people may have substantial weight loss.1,18 Time off work can last a few days to several weeks.20
Chronic Q fever
Coxiella burnetii may cause chronic disease. The most common complication in adults is subacute endocarditis.19 Less common disease manifestations are caused by granulomatous lesions in:
- bone (that is, osteomyelitis)
- joints
- liver
- lung
- testis
- other sites such as soft tissues
Infection in pregnancy can result in fetal death, intrauterine growth restriction and premature delivery.21
Post–Q fever fatigue syndrome
About 10–15% of people who have had acute Q fever develop post–Q fever fatigue syndrome.22-25 Research suggests that non-infective antigenic complexes of C. burnetii persist for many years after acute Q fever. The immune system may continue to respond to these antigens, which might be the biological basis of the syndrome.23,26-28
People most at risk of Q fever
People most at risk include workers in the meat and livestock industries (including shearers). New employees or visitors to these settings have the highest risk of infection.
However, Q fever is not confined to occupationally exposed groups. Sporadic cases or outbreaks occur in the general population if people are exposed to infected animals in settings such as:
- stockyards
- feedlots
- processing plants
- farms
Most notifications occur among men from rural areas or with occupational exposure. However, a serosurvey from Queensland indicated a high rate of exposure among urban residents, including women and children.29
Q fever in Australia
Nationally, Q fever is an uncommon disease. However, some population groups have much higher incidence of disease (see People most at risk of Q fever).
Q fever vaccine has been used in abattoir workers since the early 1990s. Between 2001 and 2006, the Australian Government sponsored the National Q Fever Management Program.30 The program funded screening and vaccination for abattoir workers, shearers, farmers, and their families and employees in the livestock-rearing industries.
After the program started, the number of Q fever cases reported to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System declined by more than 50%.30 The greatest reductions were among young men aged 15–39 years. This is consistent with documented high vaccine uptake among abattoir workers.30-32
Although the overall national Q fever notification rate is low at about 2 cases per 100,000 population, there are geographical ‘hot spots’ for Q fever in central Queensland and around the New South Wales – Queensland border, where the notification rate exceeds 13 cases per 100,000 population.33
In 2014, Q fever notifications were most common in adult males. However, there were also notified cases in children aged <15 years.33 Q fever cases have also been reported in:20,34
- other occupational groups35,36
- cases with non-occupational animal exposure37
Vaccine information
Q-Vax and Q-Vax Skin Test contain a purified killed suspension of Coxiella burnetii. The vaccine is prepared from bacteria that have been cultivated in embryonated hens’ eggs.
Seroconversion after vaccination
A vaccine trial among abattoir workers showed that 80–82% seroconverted after vaccination. 85–95% of vaccinated people developed cell-mediated immunity that lasted for at least 5 years.38
Vaccine efficacy
Vaccine efficacy is estimated to be 83–100%, based on the results of open and placebo-controlled trials, and post-marketing studies.38-42
Transporting, storing and handling vaccines
Transport according to National vaccine storage guidelines: Strive for 5.43 Store at +2°C to +8°C. Do not freeze or store in direct contact with ice packs. Do not use the vaccine if it has been exposed to temperatures less than 0°C. Protect from light.
Freshly prepare diluted Q-Vax Skin Test. Store at +2°C to +8°C and use within 6 hours.
Public health management
Q fever is a notifiable disease in all states and territories in Australia.
State or territory public health authorities can provide advice about the public health management of Q fever.
Variations from product information
The product information for Q-Vax does not include the use of a reduced vaccine dose in people who have indeterminate results from serological or skin testing.
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends that experienced Q fever vaccination providers can give sequential reduced (split volume) vaccine doses to people with indeterminate results from pre-vaccination screening.
The product information for Q-Vax states that this vaccine is for vaccination of adults.
ATAGI recommends that Q-Vax can be used in people aged ≥15 years.
- Marmion B. A guide to Q fever and Q fever vaccination. Melbourne: CSL Biotherapies; 2009.
- Sellens E, Bosward KL, Willis S, et al. Frequency of adverse events following Q fever immunisation in young adults. Vaccines (Basel) 2018;6.
- Seqirus. Product information: Q-VAX® Q fever vaccine and Q-VAX® Skin test (AUST R 100517 & 100518). 2016.
- Ormsbee RA, Marmion BP. Prevention of Coxiella burnetii infection: vaccines and guidelines for those at risk. In: Marrie TJ, ed. Q fever. Volume 1: the disease. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press; 1990.
- Mills AE, Murdolo V, Webb SP. A rare local granulomatous complication of Q fever vaccination. Medical Journal of Australia 2003;179:166.
- Fairweather P, O'Rourke T, Strutton G. Rare complication of Q fever vaccination. Australasian Journal of Dermatology 2005;46:124-5.
- Heinzen RA, Hackstadt T, Samuel JE. Developmental biology of Coxiella burnetii. Trends in Microbiology 1999;7:149-54.
- Marrie TJ, Raoult D. Coxiella burnetii (Q fever). In: Bennett JE, Dolin R, Blaser MJ, eds. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2015.
- Banazis MJ, Bestall AS, Reid SA, Fenwick SG. A survey of Western Australian sheep, cattle and kangaroos to determine the prevalence of Coxiella burnetii. Veterinary Microbiology 2010;143:337-45.
- Schelling E, Diguimbaye C, Daoud S, et al. Brucellosis and Q-fever seroprevalences of nomadic pastoralists and their livestock in Chad. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2003;61:279-93.
- Potter AS, Banazis MJ, Yang R, Reid SA, Fenwick SG. Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) in Western Australia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 2011;47:821-8.
- Cooper A, Goullet M, Mitchell J, Ketheesan N, Govan B. Serological evidence of Coxiella burnetii exposure in native marsupials and introduced animals in Queensland, Australia. Epidemiology and Infection 2012;140:1304-8.
- Tigertt WD, Benenson AS. Studies on Q fever in man. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians 1956;69:98-104.
- Norlander L. Q fever epidemiology and pathogenesis. Microbes and Infection 2000;2:417-24.
- DeLay PD, Lennette EH, DeOme KB. Q fever in California. II. Recovery of Coxiella burneti from naturally-infected air-borne dust. Journal of Immunology 1950;65:211-20.
- Welsh HH, Lennette EH, Abinanti FR, Winn JF, Kaplan W. Q fever studies. XXI. The recovery of Coxiella burnetii from the soil and surface water of premises harboring infected sheep. American Journal of Hygiene 1959;70:14-20.
- Waag DM. Coxiella burnetii: host and bacterial responses to infection. Vaccine 2007;25:7288-95.
- Parker NR, Barralet JH, Bell AM. Q fever. The Lancet 2006;367:679-88.
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- Massey PD, Irwin M, Durrheim DN. Enhanced Q fever risk exposure surveillance may permit better informed vaccination policy. Communicable Diseases Intelligence 2009;33:41-5.
- Coste Mazeau P, Hantz S, Eyraud JL, et al. Q fever and pregnancy: experience from the Limoges Regional University Hospital. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2016;294:233-8.
- Marmion BP, Shannon M, Maddocks I, Storm P, Penttila I. Protracted debility and fatigue after acute Q fever [letter]. The Lancet 1996;347:977-8.
- Penttila IA, Harris RJ, Storm P, et al. Cytokine dysregulation in the post-Q-fever fatigue syndrome. QJM: Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians 1998;91:549-60.
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- Hatchette TF, Hayes M, Merry H, Schlech WF, Marrie TJ. The effect of C. burnetii infection on the quality of life of patients following an outbreak of Q fever. Epidemiology and Infection 2003;130:491-5.
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- Marmion BP, Sukocheva O, Storm PA, et al. Q fever: persistence of antigenic non-viable cell residues of Coxiella burnetii in the host–implications for post Q fever infection fatigue syndrome and other chronic sequelae. QJM: Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians 2009;102:673-84.
- Sukocheva OA, Marmion BP, Storm PA, et al. Long-term persistence after acute Q fever of non-infective Coxiella burnetii cell components, including antigens. QJM: Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians 2010;103:847-63.
- Tozer SJ, Lambert SB, Sloots TP, Nissen MD. Q fever seroprevalence in metropolitan samples is similar to rural/remote samples in Queensland, Australia. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2011;30:1287-93.
- Gidding HF, Wallace C, Lawrence GL, McIntyre PB. Australia's national Q fever vaccination program. Vaccine 2009;27:2037-41.
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