Updates to the Handbook
A list of updates made to the Handbook is provided below by the date they were published. The Handbook will be reviewed 3 times per year following ATAGI meetings in February, May and August. Urgent updates to the content will be made as required.
Recently added
This page was added on 06 June 2018.
Updates made
This page was updated on [date-counter-updated-date]. View history of updates
7 December 2022
The following pages were updated:
Pertussis (whooping cough)
Updates made to Co-administration with other vaccines to remove information about co-administration of MenACWY vaccines.
Pneumococcal disease
Guidance on co-administration with other vaccines has been amended to remove guidance on co-administration with MenACWY vaccines.
Update to remove guidance on co-administration with MenACWY vaccine.
Updates made to co-administration with other vaccines to remove information about co-administration of MenACWY vaccines.
Vaccination for people who are immunocompromised
- Update to guidance regarding MenB vaccination for People who have completed cancer therapy and Haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients.
- Updates to include guidance on recombinant zoster vaccine (Shingrix).
Vaccination for people who have recently received normal human immunoglobulin and other blood products
Update to guidance regarding zoster vaccines to include guidance on Shingrix vaccine.
Vaccination for women who are planning pregnancy, pregnant or breastfeeding
Updated guidance to include recombinant zoster vaccine (Shingrix) in Table. Vaccines that are not routinely recommended in pregnancy: inactivated viral vaccines.
Zoster (herpes zoster)
Funding information update
Recommendation updates and additions including
- Recommendation updates for all Recommendations
- Recommendation added for people ages ≥18 years who are immunocompromised
- Recommendation added for People who have previously received Zostavax can receive Shingrix
- Recommendation added for People who have previously received Shingrix need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis to receive Zostavax
Chapter updates have occurred throughout the document in detail, including detailed changes to accommodate the Shingrix vaccine. Sections of particular note are:
- Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding,
- People who are immunocompromised
- Precautions
- Adverse events
- Transporting, storing and handling zoster vaccines
- Variations from product information
- References
5 August 2022
The following pages were updated:
Recommendations for skin testing before BCG vaccination have changed. A tuberculin skin test before BCG vaccination is now only recommended in limited circumstances, based on a risk assessment.
Updates to all sections of the Tuberculosis chapter have been made including Recommendations, Vaccines, dosage and administration, Contraindications and precautions, Adverse events, Nature of the disease, Clinical features, Epidemiology, Vaccine information, Transporting, storing and handling vaccines, Public health management and Variations from product information.
19 May 2022
The following pages were updated:
Japanese encephalitis
Information added to contraindications and precautions regarding vaccination of people with possible IFNAR1 deficiency.
Information added to contraindications and precautions regarding vaccination of people with possible IFNAR1 deficiency.
Information added to contraindications and precautions regarding vaccination of people with possible IFNAR1 deficiency.
Information added to contraindications and precautions regarding vaccination of people with possible IFNAR1 deficiency.
Varicella (chickenpox)
Information added to contraindications and precautions regarding vaccination of people with possible IFNAR1 deficiency.
Yellow fever
Information added to contraindications and precautions regarding vaccination of people with possible IFNAR1 deficiency.
Zoster (herpes zoster)
There is updated clinical guidance on the use of both zoster vaccines, Zostavax and Shingrix, that is relevant for people aged ≥18 years. Please refer to the ATAGI clinical statement on the clinical use of Zoster vaccine in Australia.
21 April 2022
The following pages were updated:
Influenza (flu)
- Updated advice on co-administration of Fluad Quad and Shingrix vaccine has been provided
- Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent is registered for use in Australia and is indicated in adults ≥60 years of age.
- The indicated ages for Flucelvax Quad and Influvac Tetra have been extended. Flucelvax Quad can now be used in children ≥2 years of age. Influvac Tetra can now be used in children ≥6 months of age.
Preparing for vaccination
Updated influenza vaccine brand in table on components of vaccines used in Australia
8 March 2022
The following pages were updated:
After vaccination
Updates to the 'Doses of intramuscular 1:1000 adrenaline for anaphylaxis' table to reflect changes to ASCIA's clinical guidelines on acute management of anaphylaxis (June 2021)