Updates to the Handbook
A list of updates made to the Handbook is provided below by the date they were published. The Handbook will be reviewed 3 times per year following ATAGI meetings in February, May and August. Urgent updates to the content will be made as required.
Recently added
This page was added on 06 June 2018.
Updates made
This page was updated on [date-counter-updated-date]. View history of updates
27 September 2021
The following pages were updated:
Preparing for vaccination
Rabies and other lyssaviruses
Recommendations have been updated to allow intradermal vaccination and accelerated schedules for rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis.
Recommendations for people at ongoing exposure risk in selected high-risk occupations have been updated to specify a booster dose 1 year after completing the 1st course of pre-exposure prophylaxis, and every 3 years after that.
For post-exposure prophylaxis, recommendations have been updated to specify the number of vaccine doses and the need for human rabies immunoglobulin for people who are mildly immunocompromised and people who are severely immunocompromised.
Zoster (herpes zoster)
More detailed guidance provided on the use of Zostavax in people who are immunocompromised or on immunosuppressive therapy, including:
- more details on pre-vaccination screening, including serological testing for past varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection when relevant
- expanded list of immunosuppressive therapies that are considered safe for administration of Zostavax
Adverse events section updated to include:
- detailed information on VZV-like rash that could rarely occur following Zostavax administration
- relevant advice to vaccine recipients
- management and reporting of these episodes
13 April 2021
The following pages were updated:
Influenza (flu)
2021 Influenza seasonal updates.
Updates to influenza information in line with the ATAGI annual statement for seasonal influenza vaccines. Flucelvax Quad is now registered for use in Australia and is indicated in children and adults ≥9 years of age.
13 January 2021
The following pages were updated:
After vaccination
Editorial changes to content to reflect closure of National HPV Vaccination Program Register.
Section on reporting to immunisation registers updated to reflect closure of National HPV Vaccination Program Register.
3 June 2020
The following pages were updated:
Catch-up vaccination
Changes to catch-up recommendations for children receiving pneumococcal and/or Hepatitis A vaccines. Guidance on concomitant and sequential administration of vaccines has been updated.
Hepatitis A
Changes to the vaccination schedule for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia.
Recommendations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia have changed. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in these states and territories are now recommended to receive Hepatitis A vaccine in a 2-dose schedule at 18 months and 4 years of age.
Pneumococcal disease
Recommendations have changed for people with risk conditions, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and older adults.
The following changes have been made to recommendations for people with risk conditions:
- Category A and Category B conditions have been consolidated into a single list of risk conditions for pneumococcal disease.
- The recommended vaccines and number of doses — 1 extra dose of 13vPCV and 2 doses of 23vPPV — are now the same for all people with risk conditions.
- The number of lifetime doses of 23vPPV recommended for people with risk conditions is now limited to 2 doses.
The following changes have been made to recommendations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia are now recommended to receive 2 doses of 23vPPV in addition to the 4 doses of 13vPCV.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults without risk conditions for pneumococcal disease are now recommended to receive 1 dose of 13vPCV and 2 doses of 23vPPV at age ≥50 years.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults <50 years with risk conditions for pnuemococcal disease are to receive vaccines as per recommendations for people with risk conditions.
The following changes have been made to recommendations for healthy non-Indigenous adults:
- Healthy non-Indigenous adults are now recommended to receive a single dose of 13vPCV at age ≥70 years. Healthy non-Indigenous adults who do not have risk conditions for pneumococcal disease are no longer recommended to receive 23vPPV.
Vaccination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Changes to Hepatitis A and pneumococcal vaccine recommendations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Vaccination for international travellers
Editorial update to reflect changes to pneumococcal vaccine recommendations for older adults and people with medical risk factors.
Vaccination for people who are immunocompromised
Changes to pneumococcal vaccine recommendations for people who are immunocompromised.
9 April 2020
The following pages were updated:
Influenza (flu)
2020 Influenza seasonal updates.
- The indicated ages for FluQuadri and Influvac Tetra, have been extended. FluQuadri can now be used in children ≥6 months of age. Influvac Tetra can now be used in children aged ≥3 years of age.
- Vaxigrip Tetra is now registered for use in Australia and is indicated in adults and children ≥6 months of age.
- Fluad Quad (aQIV) is now registered for use in Australia and is indicated in adults ≥65 years of age.
- Fluad TIV and FluQuadri Junior have been discontinued.
- Fluzone High-Dose is not available in 2020.
13 March 2020
The following pages were updated:
Yellow fever
Guidance on international travel requirements for yellow fever vaccination has been updated, including the details required on the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP).
20 September 2019
The following pages were updated:
Catch-up vaccination
Editorial updates to reflect the closure of National HPV Vaccination Program Register and principles of catch-up vaccination.
Section on assessing immunisation status updated to reflect closure of National HPV Vaccination Program Register.
Principles of catch-up vaccination updated to provide more detailed guidance on concomitant and sequential administration of vaccines.
Changes to Co-administration with other vaccines. Guidance on concomitant and sequential administration of diphtheria-containing vaccines with Menactra and Nimenrix has been added.
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Guidance on co-administration of Hib-containing vaccines with quadrivalent meningococcal vaccines has been added.