Updates to the Handbook
A list of updates made to the Handbook is provided below by the date they were published. The Handbook will be reviewed 3 times per year following ATAGI meetings in February, May and August. Urgent updates to the content will be made as required.
Recently added
This page was added on 06 June 2018.
Updates made
This page was updated on [date-counter-updated-date]. View history of updates
8 March 2022
The following pages were updated:
Changes to the 'People with latex allergy' section under 'Precautions', to reflect updated product information regarding Adacel.
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
- Added 'People with latex allergy' section under 'Precautions', to reflect updated product information regarding Adacel.
Meningococcal disease
Improved clarity regarding MenB vaccine recommendations for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 2 months to 19 years are strongly recommended to receive MenB vaccine.
Pertussis (whooping cough)
- Added 'People with latex allergy' section under 'Precautions', to reflect updated product information regarding Adacel.
- Improved clarity regarding recommendations to vaccinate infants with underlying conditions that predispose them to severe rotavirus gastroenteritis, despite existing precautions. See 'Infants with underlying conditions that predispose them to severe rotavirus gastroenteritis' under 'Precautions'
- Added relevant information and guidance on interrupted vaccination
- Added 'People with latex allergy' section under 'Precautions', to reflect updated product information regarding Adacel.
Vaccination for migrants, refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia
Editorial updates to reflect the changes to the NIP, where children >12 months are recommended to receive Men ACWY vaccine (Nimenrix) as opposed to just the Men C vaccine.
Varicella (chickenpox)
Updated guidance regarding 2 doses of varicella-containing vaccine for children aged 12 months to <14 years
30 November 2021
The following pages were updated:
Influenza (flu)
Updated advice on co-administration of influenza vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine has been provided.
27 September 2021
The following pages were updated:
Administration of vaccines
Guidance on intradermal injection expanded.
Minor changes based on ATAGI advice. See Vaccination after tetanus-containing vaccines.
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
- Updated guidance on route of administration.
- Removal of Menitorix as vaccine was discontinued in July 2020.
Meningococcal disease
Removal of Menitorix as vaccine was discontinued in July 2020.
Minor changes to guidance for women planning pregnancy in Variations from product information.
Pertussis (whooping cough)
Clarification of advice regarding the minimum interval between a dTpa-containing vaccine after a dT-containing vaccine. See vaccination after tetanus containing vaccines.
Pneumococcal disease
Guidance for doses of 23vPPV required after a haematopoietic stem cell transplant updated.