Updates to the Handbook
A list of updates made to the Handbook is provided below by the date they were published. The Handbook will be reviewed 3 times per year following ATAGI meetings in February, May and August. Urgent updates to the content will be made as required.
Recently added
This page was added on 06 June 2018.
Updates made
This page was updated on [date-counter-updated-date]. View history of updates
13 December 2023
The following pages were updated:
Vaccination for people who have had an adverse event following immunisation
Update to page to reflect the availability of Verorab inactivated rabies vaccine.
Vaccination for women who are planning pregnancy, pregnant or breastfeeding
Update to Table. Vaccines that are contraindicated in pregnancy: live attenuated vaccines to reflect the availability of oral cholera vaccine.
8 December 2023
The following pages were updated:
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Guidance updated to note the first cervical screening in women at 25 years of age as an opportunity to offer catch-up HPV vaccination for anyone who is unvaccinated. Additional guidance added to note situations where vaccination may need to be considered for children aged <9 years of age (e.g. have a history of sexual abuse or have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection). In these children, a subsequent dose should be given as routinely recommended, ideally at age 12-13 years.
27 November 2023
The following pages were updated:
Updates throughout the chapter to reflect that Omicron XBB.1.5 vaccines are now preferred for use in a primary course and as further doses. Other vaccine types are acceptable, but Omicron XBB.1.5-containing vaccines are preferred. Other changes reflect the availability of the new vaccine formulations and unavailability of older vaccines (such as the Spikevax original 6 months - <5 years formulation).
1 November 2023
The following pages were updated:
After vaccination
Minor update to include information regarding Shingrix and Guillain–Barré syndrome.
Catch-up vaccination
Update to clinical guidance regarding Zoster vaccination in Table. Catch-up schedule for people ≥10 years of age (for vaccines recommended on a population level).
Vaccination for people who are immunocompromised
Update to clinical guidance regarding Recombinant Zoster vaccine (Shingrix) in Table. Recommended vaccines for people before and after a solid organ transplant and Table. Recommendations for revaccination after haematopoietic stem cell transplant in children and adults.
Zoster (herpes zoster)
Updates to clinical guidance throughout the chapter to reflect the listing of Shingrix vaccine on the National Immunisation Program for eligible groups.
23 October 2023
The following pages were updated:
Administration of vaccines
Minor updates to clinical guidance relating to preparation of all injectable vaccines, administration using subcutaneous injection and the intramuscular injection technique.
Minor updates to clinical guidance around post-exposure prophylaxis for people exposed to measles.
Vaccination for international travellers
Minor updates to clinical guidance around routinely recommended vaccines (not specific to travelling overseas), including the addition of advice regarding COVID-19.
Vaccination for people at occupational risk
Update to the list of people who work with animals who are recommended to receive Q fever vaccine.
Vaccination for people who have had an adverse event following immunisation
Minor updates to clinical guidance around assessing the cause of an AEFI and assessing people for a history of allergies.
Vaccination for people who have recently received normal human immunoglobulin and other blood products
Updates to clinical guidance to remove specific guidance regarding rotavirus, zoster and BCG vaccines, and to include guidance regarding live JE vaccine.
Vaccination for people with bleeding disorders
Updates to clinical guidance to include information on administration of vaccines in individuals with bleeding disorders.
Vaccination for women who are planning pregnancy, pregnant or breastfeeding
Minor updates to clinical guidance including inclusion of COVID-19 vaccine in Table. Vaccines that are not routinely recommended in pregnancy: inactivated viral vaccines.
10 October 2023
The following pages were updated:
Catch-up vaccination
Minor updates to clinical guidance throughout the chapter to reflect amended age indications for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Vaxneuvance.
Pneumococcal disease
Updates to clinical guidance throughout the chapter to reflect the amended indications for Vaxneuvance (15vPCV) now also for use in children.
Vaccination for people who are immunocompromised
Minor updates to clinical guidance throughout the chapter to reflect amended age indications for the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Vaxneuvance and the addition of COVID-19 vaccine.
5 October 2023
The following pages were updated:
Major update to provide an enhanced COVID-19 disease chapter that consolidates the available COVID-19 clinical guidance material.